What is our mission?
Our mission is to simplify the BNG process for you into a single one-off payment dispensing of all of your obligations and providing best-in-class ecological projects in the process.
That’s it.
Our story
Starting from a surprising point for a company now focused on providing BNG units, we actually originated as a property development company - and we were pretty good at it too. Our team has completed over £400m of new property development across the UK as principal - i.e. for ourselves, not on behalf of anyone else. As recently as 2023, we gained planning permission on a strategic site for 220 houses.
Put simply, we get development.
We understand:
the vagaries of the planning system
the hurdles you already have to get through
the delicacies of your Section 106
your deadlines, funding challenges, compliance requirements and contractor struggles
BNG has just been added to your list and we’re here to help solve it.
How we got into BNG
We first found out about BNG when a draft version of The Environment Bill landed on our desk. Originally, we asked the question about how this new legislation may affect us - a successful SME developer without teams to carry out biodiversity net gain work on our behalf. As we dug into the detail, we quickly realised this was bigger than we thought.
We realised that there had to be a place for a business with:
the ability to invest directly
the real estate experience to understand the land aquisition and management required
the depth of experience required to understand the pain points of the planning process
We also have a genuine passion for sustainability and viewed this as a very logical next step for our business.